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Carla Pereira

Carla has a Masters Degree in Research Psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand. She joined JET as a research intern in March 2002 and moved up through the ranks. She has gained vast experience in research, monitoring and evaluation in the education sector in South Africa and has managed both large- and small-scale research projects. Her experience in leading and designing large-scale research projects involving assessment methodologies and teacher training facilitated her roles in the 2007 Systemic Evaluation for Grade 3 pupils (60 000 learners) and the 2008/9 Gauteng Provincial Assessment study (250 000 learners and 1400 schools). She was the lead research manager on the external evaluation of the Western Cape’s Literacy Numeracy Implementation project (64 schools) as well the 2010-2014 Gauteng Provincial Assessment project which entailed testing of approx 320 000 learners. Carla has both quantitative (statistical) and qualitative (thematic and discourse analysis) data analysis experience.  Her responsibilities at JET include the development and implementation of JET’s business and research strategies, co-ordination and oversight of various strategic projects, drawing up funding proposals and research/project management of large-scale projects.
+27 (0)87 803 0145

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