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Theme 1: Education at home

A qualitative piece on the different experiences of individuals during this lockdown, particularly with regards to education.

Theme 1: Education at home
Theme 2: A comparative study on the response of NPOs in education to the COVID-19 pandemic

The response of NPOs in education to the COVID-19 pandemic to the concomitant uncertainty globally and the announced lockdown of 21 days in South Africa.

Theme 2: A comparative study on the response of NPOs in education to the COVID-19 pandemic
Theme 4: COVID-19 lockdowns: can they help to govern the pandemic in Africa?

Governance structures that have enabled efficient crisis management across three distinct settings: Looking for ways to effectively govern the pandemic

Theme 4: COVID-19 lockdowns: can they help to govern the pandemic in Africa?
Theme 6: Ameliorating the Impact of Fake News on High School Learners during COVID-19

Fake news impacting school age children (or targeting school age children): Impacts on behaviour, risk, anxiety, and how to ameliorate

Theme 6: Ameliorating the Impact of Fake News on High School Learners during COVID-19
Theme 9: Education, inequality and innovation in the time of COVID-19

In this paper we examine the effects of school closures amidst the pandemic, the effectiveness of remote learning and the possibility of remaking schooling in the South African context.

Theme 9: Education, inequality and innovation in the time of COVID-19
Theme 10: Lessons on How Countries Manage Schooling During and After Disasters

Post-Disaster Schooling - A study of how countries managed their education system during a disaster and the steps they took to re-establish normality

Theme 10: Lessons on How Countries Manage Schooling During and After Disasters

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