Achieving impact through (em)power(ed) relationships
Achieving impact through (em)power(ed) relationships
Boiphihlelo Senior Secondary School, Vredefort South Africa stakeholders discuss establishing a community-run school garden.
Jala Peo Initiative: Free State Homestead gardening. Motheo, gives us a tour around his garden
Jala Peo Activities for the early part of 2021...homesteads, aquaponics, and gardens everywhere!
A glimpse into the homestead gardening practices of the Jala Peo Initiative in the Vhembe East District, Limpopo, South Africa.
Sibasa Forum 2020 Review. School Food and Nutrition Gardens take root in Sibasa, Limpopo, South Africa.
Using School Gardens for Curriculum Delivery (West Coast Jala Peo Forum). Three examples of curriculum delivery in school gardens.
Jala Peo West Coast 2020 Review