Department of Higher Education and Training presentation to a stakeholders' meeting on 17 April 2019
Department of Higher Education and Training presentation to a stakeholders' meeting on 17 April 2019
The close out report published on 19 May 2018 prepared by the JET Education Services Monitoring and Evaluation Division
Presentation made to the Primary Teacher Education project Annual Dialogue on 17 October 2019
Report outlining the outcomes from the development, publication (in 2014) and implementation of the standards framework. Though teachers and school leaders have generally benefited their uptake by academic institutions has been varied.
South African Council for Educators questionnaire type draft for consultation on its Professional teaching standards
This is a draft version of SACE's standards for teachers presented at a meeting of the Joint Standards Working Group on 30 August 2017
Presentation by James Keevy of the Joint Education Trust at a PrimTEd workshop on Literacy teaching standards held on 4 May 2018
South African Council for Educators draft standards for professional teachers issued in October 2017
The presentation outlines the ten standards, describes some aspects of the Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) system and professional re-certification issues and a proposed teacher professional development path.
May 2018 questionnaire used for Professional Teaching Standards consultations
Contains the integrated standards framework for teachers and school leaders developed between 2011 and 2013, a set of methodological guidelines for the development and implementation of professional standards, and a brief overview of the combined consultative workshop.
Presentation used for provincial consultations on the SACE Professional Teaching Standards.