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PSET CLOUD has been recognised as a promising practice by UNEVOC

Innovative and Promising Practices in TVET: UNESCO-UNEVOC acts as a clearinghouse for innovative and promising practices in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET). Each practice shows how TVET can be designed and delivered to address contextual challenges, presents the enabling conditions for success and provides a snapshot of the positive impact on communities. 

PSET CLOUD creates a digital environment that strengthens, integrates, coordinates, improves efficiency and solves challenges in the governance and management of the post-school education and training system in South Africa to enable citizens to make informed education and labour market decisions leading to increased employability.

This platform will help employers find suitable and competent candidates, and it will help the public to understand what work opportunities are available, what the formal and non-formal learning requirements are for these work opportunities, as well as where these competencies can be acquired and to guide individuals on their career pathways.


Download the project summary here

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