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NSI 08 : The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to Socio-Professional Inclusion for Youth and Adults

📚 The eighth edition of NORRAG Special Issue 08 (NSI), in collaboration with the International Labour Organization, is entitled “The Education-Training-Work  Continuums: Pathways to  Socio-Professional Inclusion  for Youth and Adults”. 

This publication was launched on the 21st of June 2023. The NSI Series aims to expand the debate and foster dialogue, bridge the gap between theory and practice, as well as stimulate new research, advocacy and policy innovation in international education development.

JET CEO James Keevy and UNESCO Director, Borhene Chakroun, Director, authored chapter 4, The Evolution of Credentials: A Call to Action to Rethink the Education–Training–Work Continuum.

Read the publication here

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