The National Advisory Body has representatives from the DHET, Department of Basic Education (DBE), Education Deans Forum (EDF), South African Council of Educators (SACE), South African Mathematics Foundation (SAMF) and the teacher unions. It assists in reviewing project proposals, reviews progress and will communicate the purpose, progress and achievements of the programme to their constituencies. It meets once a year.
The National Working Committee, with representatives from each working group, the DHET, and from the National Programme Coordination and Management Body, meets biannually to coordinate and synthesise the work of the working groups and make recommendations on Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes.
A National Working Committee, with representatives from each working group, the DHET, and from the National Programme Coordination and Management Body, meets at least bi-annually to coordinate and synthesise the work of the working groups and make recommendations on Initial Teacher Education (ITE) programmes.
Full version of an article published in a condensed form by The Conversation on 26 February 2018 as "South Africa’s reading crisis is a cognitive catastrophe".
An important warning against researchers publishing in so-called predatory journals
These are various educational resources – journal articles, conference papers, research documents and presentations relating to teacher education. Most of these materials may be freely downloaded, used and copied (but not changed in any way) in terms of the Creative Commons licence reproduced below. Generally you can assume that the copyright remains with the original author(s) or publisher.
The Sesotho and IsiZulu Reading Project (SIRP) was conceived by the Literacy Working Group of PrimTEd. It is funded by the Nedbank Foundation. A description of the objectives, institutional location, current work plan, and components of the SIRP project
Presentation by Gerald Roos of the Department of Basic Education to the meeting of the Joint Standards Working Group on 30 August 2017.
This presentation to the meeting of the Joint Standards Working Group came from authors at six universities involved in the Project for Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education.
November 2017 version from the Project for Inclusive Early Childhood Care and Education
Report outlining the outcomes from the development, publication (in 2014) and implementation of the standards framework. Though teachers and school leaders have generally benefited their uptake by academic institutions has been varied.
May 2018 questionnaire used for Professional Teaching Standards consultations
Contains the integrated standards framework for teachers and school leaders developed between 2011 and 2013, a set of methodological guidelines for the development and implementation of professional standards, and a brief overview of the combined consultative workshop.