Trialogue recently hosted a CSI forum which explored some of the ways to support teacher development. Attached, please find presentation from Dr. Nick Taylor representing JET Education titled Priorities for teacher development - What can corporate donors do? Trialogue publications, including the current edition of the Trialogue Business in Society Handbook, are available for complimentary download from ther website:
Nick Taylor writes: Obsession with pass rates a national folly
Roelien du Toit and Carla Pereira
Jansen, J and Taylor, N. (2003). Geneva: World Bank.
Presented at the BRIDGE Monitoring & Evaluation Colloquium, October 2013. Pat Sullivan.
Perold H. (1998). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.
Perold H and Omar R. (1997). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.
Roelien Herholdt Presented at the University of Johannesburg
Taylor N, Fleisch B, Shindler J. (2008). Background paper for the Fifteen Year Review of government business, commissioned by the Policy Unit, Office of the Presidency
Taylor N, Fleisch B, Shindler J. (2007).
Roelien Herholdt, JET Education Services and Prof Elbie Henning, University of Johannesburg. Presented at the South African Research Association for Early Childhood Education Conference, 2014
Valla V. (1996). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust
Vinjevold P. ed. (1996). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.
Vinjevold P, Roberts J. (1999). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.
Skills and qualifications of the people in Africa are at the heart of African renaissance. Therefore, the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF) is a vital policy of the African Union. Development of the ACQF is underway (2019-2022). The African Union Commission (AUC) is partnering with the European Union (EU), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the European Training Foundation (ETF), in developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF), a key output of the “Skills for Youth Employability Project” (SYEP). JET Education Services (JET), was appointed to undertake the first part of the AQCF development process, namely the mapping study of qualifications frameworks in Africa aligned to the African Union’s (AU) “Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want”. See the ACQF factsheet infographic.
Amanuel Garza
Inequality remains pervasive in the South African education system. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only shown the fault lines, but is deepening them at an alarming rate, and in a manner that may take many more years to undo. In this contribution, based on findings fro our Researchers Bootcamp, we talk to the need to provide basic rights, as set out in the Freedom Charter, such as health, safety and nutrition, while we cast the net wider to consider aspects of data privacy, online learning and governance.
Lessons learnt from the field of practice
A Comparative case study report by Ehren, M.C.M., Paterson, A. and Baxter, J.
What type of pre-service teacher education do we need in South Africa and why? (04 Aug 2022). The Education Sector Committee of the National Committee for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), the Library at UJ, and JET Education Services (JET) launched a series of conversations about teachers, involving a variety of stakeholders.
What type of development and support do teachers need across their lifespan as teachers? (01 Nov 2022) The Education Sector Committee of the National Committee for UNESCO, in collaboration with the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), the Library at UJ, and JET Education Services (JET) launched a series of conversations about teachers, involving a variety of stakeholders.
September J and Sedibe K. (1997). Johannesburg: Joint Education Trust.
Simkins C and Pereira C. (2005). Johannesburg: JET Education Services.
Presented by Zulaika Brey from Trialogue at the Midterm Evaluation of the Centres of Specialisation (COS) Programme workshop, 15 October 2021
Keynote address delivered at Rhodes University PhD Symposium, July 2015 by Yvonne Reed, School of Education, University of the Witwatersrand. Presents an overview of findings from several research studies, including the Initial Teacher Education Research Project (ITERP).
Injini commissioned JET Education Services to conduct an external evaluation of the Injini Africa’s EdTech Incubator programme. The goal of Injini is to improve education outcomes across Africa through supporting EdTech entrepreneurs with solutions that are evidenced-based, effective and scalable, and can address challenges of access and quality. This report presents the results of the external evaluation of Injini Africa’s EdTech Incubator programme, which was conducted from January to March 2019.